Thank you!
01/11/2015 00:00I would like to introduce you to some of the wonderful people I met on my journey this year and at the same time say thank you to them for making my year of traveling so fun and interesting.
On my journey in Kakadu national park close to Darwin, I meet two wonderful women, Karen and Nickey. The new acquired friends made the journey in Darwin along with many other participants really nice, it was a great bunch of people on this trip. BUT these two also made my stay in Adelaide and Melbourne so much more that it would have been without meeting them. Their hospitality and their kindness is great. We were introduced to lawn bowling in Adelaid and Melbourne cup lunch in Melbourne - need I say more?
In Suva on Fiji I met Monica and her mother Lia, who rescued me when I stranded between Nadi and Levuka, who knew the ferry only goes ones a day?
In Levuka Una and her family made a very special day for me, I got to met the chef of their village, snorkel in their bay and fish with the kids. It was a wonderful day.
Julie, who just didn't want to let me have dinner alone on SavuSavu, it was a really nice guesture, she is a very good hearted person.
Two young English men who I meet at Mololo accompanied me at dinner every night they stayed there, so sweet and well behaveda.
At Taveuni, I met Sherly who made the stay more fun and the dive trips more interesting.
The Roundhouse at Koh Lanta Thailand, where do I start. This place is packed with good people. The owners Nadia and Paul, Zak the master chef. Nadia and Paul always make people feel welcome and the are kind to everybody and they are funny.
Zak and Robert really helped me through the agony of being stung by a sting ray - that hurts by the way. I would not have survived without them, I am quite sure of it. Speakingg about being stung by a sting ray. I was lucky enough to meet "Pippi langstrømpe", she picked me up as a feather and lifted me up from the boat and stepping up onto the back of a truck. Only Pippi Longstocking could do that.
Patou who makes the best salad in the world, never the same, but always the best. A good and wonderful person.
Brigit, who I met at the Hut, and we went on my first visit to Patou together. One of my absolute favourite places. She is the best tripadvisor, by the way.
Cindy, a fun, nice, silly, creative person filled with good humor, she has a good heart. I miss you.
Lets not forget Peter with the drone and my personal driver when I had my foot in the air, Lisa from Sweden who is always good support.
In the Galapagos I met Gerald who was a great diving buddy on all my dives there, and the dives where great. He is a really experienced diver and a very considerate and including person.
In Malaga I met Gabriel, he is probably the best suprice on my whole trip. Overhearing me talking about going to Barcelona at a lunch bar, he introduced me to his friend Giorgio on Facebook, who lives i Barcelona. I must say that my stay in Barcelona turned in to something really unexpected all due to Gabriel introducing me on Facebook to his friend Giorgio.
In Barcelona I met Giorgi and his friends and they are all amazing. I had so much fun in Barcelona. Marlene, Lily, Teresa, Carlos, Roger and Priyanka and I have probably missed some names, but wonderful, funny, full of life and amazing people - I loved staying in Barcelona.
There are probably people I have forgotten to mention right now, but they are in my memories and pop up all the time :-)
Oksana, the talented painter, Marion the diver GBR, Peter and Jorg good company, Susanne and Doug - Lanta Old town, Dawn great company on the live a board on GBR, Elly my guide in Vietnam, Belgin and Silke diving in Glapagos. Leon great company on my flight to New York ... and many more...
These notes will probalby never be published if I should wait until I have a complete list. All these people have made my journey better.
And still there are more, my friends and family that I met me around the world ...
Meeting people has been the best part of the trip, in every way. I am very greatful